Elizabeth Byers

Denver Pioneer

Elizabeth M. Byers moved west during the Pike’s Peak Gold Rush and quickly became a civic leader in the small settlement of Denver City. Her husband, William N. Byers, founded the Rocky Mountain News, Colorado’s first newspaper. The Byers lived in Denver as it grew from a boom-and-bust town into the thriving state capital of Colorado. Elizabeth was burned out of one home and flooded out of another, yet she managed to find humor throughout her life.

Elizabeth, probably on her wedding day




“There is much that is pathetic in a pioneer’s life, and much that is awfully funny,” Elizabeth Byers wrote in her memoir. “We often laughed through tears.”

Elizabeth Byers, Denver Pioneer (ISBN: 978-0-86541-256-9) can be ordered from Filter Press, you can buy it at your local bookstore, or you can request your local library or school library add it to their collection. It is a children’s biography, aimed at grades 3-8.

I have enjoyed giving presentations on the history in my novels, The Lucky Hat Mine and Denver City Justice. For the Elizabeth Byers biography, I have prepared a half-hour presentation that includes details about Elizabeth’s life and some fun student activities. Email me ([email protected]) and let’s set up a date for me to visit your classroom!

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3 Responses to Elizabeth Byers

  1. Francesca Mai says:

    Hello, again it is Francesca writing again just wanted to hope your safe and healthy that includes your family as well hope you have a nice summer!

  2. Nancy Meister says:


    Loved your three novels. How do I purchase the Elizabeth Byers book?

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